Great jokes
You had some jokes in there that took a little thinking before you could get them. Those are the best kind.
I was wondering where Micropope was going. And then I found out. And I laughed for about five minutes.
Great jokes
You had some jokes in there that took a little thinking before you could get them. Those are the best kind.
I was wondering where Micropope was going. And then I found out. And I laughed for about five minutes.
Heh heh, and you're the best kind of viewer!
Not as long as the last one
I liked the visuals and the lyrics better on this one, but I wish it were longer.
Did you (guys?) write that music? And the badger one?
Just front page?
It's not just that you're on the front page of the internet's most popular flash archive. It's that you're the best-looking flash on that front page. This reminded me of Kill Bill: the story was deliberate and simple, but the production was amazing. Before I looked at the author, I was thinking it was the Madness guy, and I was going to write a review saying that he put a lot more work into this one than he did any other. Any other movie, no matter what the topic (well, excluding a few), if animated this well, will make it to the front page. Or I hope it will. (Though the violence certainly helps; NG folks have a certain... bloodlust).
Good artwork
Er, half-life cut'n'paste work. Anyway, it didn't make a lot of sense. Or if it did, I didn't get it. It probably needed to be a little less subtle about the point... if there was one. Anyway, good production quality.
Simply beautiful artwork. You showed incredible versatility as an artist. I also liked the content of the movie. You made a lot of references (I probably only picked up on a third of then), and you pulled them together as examples of a statement.
(/me thinks for a moment, then changes overall from 9 to 10)
I'm really happy to see more of these "serious" movies making it to the front page. Not everything has to be comedy or fighting.
This is great work.
That was pretty cool. I realize that that many frames can be a lot of work if you're drawing each one.... but it needed to be longer nonetheless. The scattered train-of-thought of images is cool, but it'd be better if you had some coherency. Some themes that you come back to, some resolution. Adding a new color right at the end or something (emphasis on "or something" ;-).
So, it has potential.
I appreciate your advice, I mean, this is the first actually constructive review. So thanks.
Well done!
You definitely did work hard on this... and it shows. Good mood---a Baroque ideal of one piece: one emotion.
The only thing I disagreed with was the music choice. Moonlight Sonata is too sad for the monotonous anguish of a cube job. You want a piece that conveys suffering without tears. I'd suggest Rachmaninoff's Elegy or the allegretto from Beethoven's 7th symphony.
Good work. I wouldn't be surprised if this gets front paged.
Thank you! I was thinking about a possible sequel, and all this postive review is really moving that idea along in my mind. thank you for your suggestions, I'll look them up! And by the way, front page? Nahhh... :D
Really funny. Really really funny. Oh yeah.
I love linux.
So let me get this straight. The joke is: bill gates uses linux?
So, let me get this straight. The _joke_ is: bill gates uses linux?
Oh. That's very clever. Using something that's not actually a joke, or funny in any way, as the premise for a movie.
Decent graphics though.
An hillarious cartoon
The beginning was a little slow, the end was stupid, the sound and graphics were mediocre, but the middle section was SO FUNNY!
Age 40, Male
Boulder, CO
Joined on 6/3/04